Dan Balan - Famikon


Packs: Ace's Picks 1 - Fun Stuff, Ace's Picks 1 - Fun Stuff (2013), All-American Sportscenter 4 (r3 final), CuoReNeRo MeGaPacK 3, ECFA 6 - H. S. 3, Eurocup 2013 Singles Expansion Pack, Fort Rapids 4 Expansion Pack r4, Fort Rapids V (9-11s) r3 Final, Fort Rapids VI (9s-11s) r2 final, KOTC3 Expansion Pack (REVISION 1), Kings of the Coast 5, Monst3rjo3 vs the World (250sms), Monster Energy Pack 3, SMAGFT1 Expansion Pack

All Scores (3) Highscores (3)

All Scores

ITG Score ↓ Player Comment Submission Date
SRH* 66w, 34e, 7g, 3m May 19, 2024, 12:21 a.m.1716078086
CK89REY FA+, 91.60EX, 85w, 45e, 19g, 2d, 1m Nov. 3, 2024, 9:27 p.m.1730669229
Simred 99w, 129e, 69g, 2d, 7m Nov. 8, 2024, 4:51 p.m.1731084681